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FSHS services are available to you even after 1 August 2024, once you have registered as present for the autumn semester at your institution of higher education. Please note that the information regarding your enrollment will be transferred to us from higher education institutions with a delay of approximately 1–3 days. Read more

Properly targeted help – FSHS provides mental health services at different levels

The FSHS has updated its student mental health services and the way they are accessed. As of autumn 2023, students will receive mental health support in accordance with their needs without needing to contact the FSHS several times. Students contacting the FSHS will receive properly targeted help the first time they are in touch with a healthcare professional, meaning they will not have to wait to start their treatment path.

In the level-based treatment model, services will be provided as a continuous process: the more complex the student’s situation, the more intensive the care provided. Treatment will be provided that is as appropriate as possible to the student’s symptoms and situation and arranged as swiftly as possible. A short, prompt intervention is sufficient for many students. This frees up FSHS professionals to help all students in need of help as efficiently as possible.

The student’s opportunity to use self-care and digital services will be taken into account. Students with mild to moderate symptoms will be given access to either a group or guided self-care, which includes advice and support from a psychiatric nurse. If necessary, students will be further referred to a general practitioner. A short course of therapy by a psychologist or a consultation with a psychiatrist will only be provided in more difficult cases. If the situation requires, the student will be booked an appointment with a psychiatrist, or else a general practitioner may refer the student for specialist medical care.

The changes are in response to the fact that demand for services has been growing for several years now. The FSHS needs to provide healthcare services for higher education students more efficiently. On top of this, the Care Guarantee requirements for health services became stricter in September, requiring that access to care be provided faster than at present.

Read more about mental health services at the FSHS